
Sunday 19 May 2013

Rights in Islam by Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi Rahmatullah Alaihi free e-books download

Rights in IslamMaulana Ashraf  Ali Thanavi, referred to by many South Asian Muslims as Spiritual Physician of the Muslim Umma and Reformer of the Nation, is a towering figure of Islamic revival and reawakening of South Asia in the twentieth century. Maulana Thanavi was the “most eminent religious figure of his time, a prolific author, and believed to be the greatest Sufi of modern India.”

Maulana Thanavi graduated from Darul-Uloom Deoband in 1301 ah (1884 CE). When Maulana Rashid Ahmad Gangohi arrived for the graduation ceremony, Shaykh ul-Hind Mahmood al-Hasan informed him that on that day a very bright and intelligent student would be graduating. Maulana Gangohi wished to test this bright student. Hence, before the actual ceremony, Maulana Gangohi asked Maulana Thanawi the most difficult questions he could think of. His answers amazed and pleased Maulana Gangohi (Quraishi 14).


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